The Power of Gray Eyes and the Importance of Patient Advocacy

Rating: This is an “Adults Only” story.
On the writing process: I have written this story in first person and as a poem – my revisiting of the topic in different voices and genres tells me that it is a story aching to be told. I needed the distance that third person gives to be able work with its message. When I write personal narrative or memoir, I am relying on my memory. One of the essential practices of the AWA method is that “writing is treated as fiction”. This allows my memories to flow freely. This story happened. It’s retelling is as accurate as my memory can be.

Usually, the young man’s eyes were blue and soft – especially with her. And in their gentleness, the girl’s dad saw an honesty and kindness that he wanted for his only daughter. Even more than that, her school-principal dad admired the brilliance that shone in those eyes and on report cards. Her dad recognized real potential in that blue-eyed, slim, ambitious boy.

Then, just months after their wedding, the young man’s eyes turned gray and fierce as he reacted to her pleas for a baby – “I WILL NOT be a teenaged dad!”

They decided that March would be the month. He would be twenty. No more condoms or foam. Continue reading “The Power of Gray Eyes and the Importance of Patient Advocacy”

Come Write With Me…

Introductory Writer’s Sanctuary with Now Brings Joy

No writing experience required. All levels of experience welcome.

$30 includes lunch

Come write with me at 10:00 am on  Saturday, January 27, 2018
in Red Deer, Alberta

Experience writing in the safe and creative environment of an AWA writing group with Doris Loewen, a trained AWA facilitator

To register or inquire:  from a mobile device click on the menu and go to Contact link,  or on the Contact tab at top of blog

Doris Loewen BA, BEd, AWA Certified

Click on the link below for a description of AWA philosophy and affirmations

http://Amherst Writer’s and Artists

Whether your purpose for writing is artistic expression, communication with friends and family, the healing of the inner life, or achieving public recognition for your art – the foundation is the same: the claiming of yourself as an artist/writer and the strengthening of your writing voice through practice, study, and helpful response from other writers.

…from Pat Schneider’s book Writing Alone and With Others

a Now epiphany…


Now:  I am preparing for an Amherst Writers and Artists week of training.  I am doing my homework – reading Writing Alone and With Others by Pat Schneider.  And…I am spending an incredible amount of time thinking about writing.  In this moment I realize that one of the reasons I am taking the risk of putting my work out there on a blog is because it is a way for me to let go.  Posting my writing lets it stand on its own.  It brings closure to the never-ending process or act of writing. And, in some incomprehensible but real way, allows me to move forward. Now is a healing place.